Friday, August 31, 2012

Guest Post!

I'm very proud of my post today at Liberating Working Moms!  It is a great website and a wonderful community of women.  My post is a letter to a new working mom about to embark on her newest role of balancing family and career.  After maternity leave the thought of going back to work and leaving your infant is a hard pill to swallow. 

I offer up some of my humble advice and I do my best not to sugar coat the experience.  I hated to hear from people that, "it will get easier" because I don't feel that it does.  I still don't find balancing my family and career has become any easier since July of 2011 when I returned back to work.  Leaving my now toddler at daycare has not become any easier either.  It has become more manageable and I've become better at juggling it, but it has not become easier.

My point is not to discourage a new working mom but to walk along side her through the stress and struggles but most importantly through the triumphs and the new found empowerment you can get from this experience.  This new working mom will discover that she is stronger than she ever knew, resilient, and capable of moving mountains! 

So, coffee mugs up working moms!  I'm so very proud of you.  Let's go make it happen again today!

Mommy Wars disclaimer: In an attempt to not offend anyone I know full well that SAHMs also move mountains every single day.  This guest post was for a working mom website and I happen to be one of those.  I write about what I know and I do not think any one of us is better than another.  We're all mamas together! 


  1. My husband drops our son off in the mornings at our day care, which I then drive by on my way to work. Sometimes, they're outside playing when I drive by, and it rips my heart out to see him out and about, oblivious to me. I try to tell myself that he's obviously happy and having fun. And, somehow, it would feel worse not to look for him.

    1. On the rare occassion that my husband has to drop our son off instead of me, I always get a call from him saying, "I don't envy you at all!" Dropping off is hard! I would probably do the exact same thing as you and drive by. Seeing him having fun would be comforting for sure! Happy Friday to you working mama! ;)
