Saturday, April 4, 2020

What does it all mean?

It only took a world-wide pandemic for me to dust off the 'ole blog, but just feels right. We are coming to a close on week 3 of "quarantine life."

Due to COVID-19 people have been urged to stay home and not leave unless you need groceries or medication. Gatherings big and small have been cancelled all across the country. I'm not talking about minor things either, I'm talking about the NBA, March Madness tournament, Presidential race conventions, zoos, schools, concerts, on and on and on.

This all means that our kids have been home with us while we attempt to work full-time and keep them up on some semblance of school work while they're here.

This all means that their school is officially closed for the rest of the school year.

This all means we could be working from home for close to five months by the time this is over.

This all means days of thriving and days of surviving all blend together into a never-ending string of hours.

This all means we're connecting at home and strengthening bonds while simultaneously begging for space we won't be getting any time soon.

This all means heightened anxiety while grappling with the "new normal" and being talked down from "future tripping" through the unknown.

This all means we don't know the next time we can hug our parents, have people over to the house, have play dates, happy yours, conferences in conference rooms, be back on the soccer team, back at gymnastics, back in the yoga studio, back in a restaurant, a library, on and on and on.

This all means we need toilet paper.

This all means people wear masks and gloves and avoid one another, only making eye contact to pass judgement if they hear you sniffle or if their 6 feet of regulatory separation is being encroached upon.

This all means there are people risking their health and their lives to keep communities running while the rest of us seek refuge within our four walls. Local heroes doing their jobs and doing them exceedingly well.

This all means there is a rise in unemployment, homelessness, domestic violence, alcoholism, drug-abuse, on and on and on.

This all means a lot of uncertainty for many.

This all means we're getting a hard knocks lesson in needing less and realizing how much we already have.

This all means pets around the world rejoiced to have their favorite people home with them, all day, every day.

This all means more crafting, board games, walks, bike rides, catch, house projects and spring cleaning.

This all means our kids remember they don't need a play date when they have each other. New games, jokes, laughter, kindness, love, bickering, fighting, rough-housing, tattling, competing and more love.

This all means more times with our spouses and partners. New games, jokes, laughter, kindness, love, bickering, fighting, "rough-housing" ;), competing and more love.

This all means we now connect through a computer screen with loved ones, text more with BFFs, Facetime with friends, and build virtual bonds because we miss people and what being together did for our well-being.

This all means we eat healthy and binge our feelings while exercising hard some days and our Fitbit pinging that we haven't taken any steps in like 6 hours and we should probably get moving, on other days.

This all means so much that can't possibly be summarized here. But one thing is for sure... there will be an end. We will rise up from this and we will have great stories to tell.

These will be mine...