Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Monday! (sarcasm implied)

Is your Monday off to a good start?  Mine is for the most part.  The weather is cool, cloudy and a bit rainy.  Doesn't bother me one bit!  I kind of like rainy days.  I got a good night sleep, the kind where you hit the pillow and don't budge until the alarm goes off (thank you for your assistance with this Baby Boy).  I got ready in record time this morning so Baby Boy and I were out the door and on our way to daycare nice and early.  I beat most of the crazy traffic and managed to hit all the green lights on the way, which NEVER happens.

Upon arriving at daycare there was a mom dropping off her tiny baby for the first time.  She had a tissue in one hand and you could tell this was going to be very hard for her.  As I escorted my son into the toddler room I thought back to when he was just 3 months old and I was dropping him off for the first time.  I can't believe how fast time flies!  That mom will be in my thoughts all day...

I pulled into work earlier than usual hoping to impress the boss but he wasn't in yet. Bummer!  I ate a cinnamon roll that we had left over from our client event on Saturday.  Delicious indeed, but the guilt set in as I stared at my banana that was intended to be my breakfast. D'oh!!

Basically, I've had a pretty decent start to my day.  I have a ton of items to tackle here at work but the problem is I don't have the proper motivation to allow the tackling of said "items" to commence.  I need to kick my butt into gear! 

How's your motivation this morning?  Do you have a "case of the Mondays"?  Name that movie.  Anyway, here we are, Monday came too soon and now it's time to make it happen yet again.  Coffee mugs up... Cheers!

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