Monday, January 13, 2014

Baby Donut's 1st Birthday Recap

**Warning: this is a longie. I thought about breaking it up but then felt like all I've been talking about is D-Nuckles bday for-ever and that I should just get on with it already. So here is my long post on my baby's special week. Thank you for letting be beam and brag. :)

Baby D-Nut is 1!!! 

We've had so much fun celebrating our sweet girl and it all started on Jan 5th. We had her big shin-dig planned for the 11th but thought it would be nice to get the "core group" together for a quiet celebration the day before her birthday.

We had our parents and siblings over for appetizers and cupcakes. After my last baking debacle I'm happy to report the cupcakes turned our wonderfully! The cake itself was pretty dry but overall I thought they were pretty damn good! ::pats self on back::

Her actual birthday was Monday, January 6th. Hubs and I took the day off so we could spend a special day with our girl. We did the same thing when Little C turned one and if you are a working parent, I highly recommend taking that day off yourselves. Sure you can be together on a weekend, but there is just something extra special about having a day off with your kid during the week. I'm not sure why it's different, it just is. (This deep thought brought to by yours truly. I'm here all day, people)

We did send C off to daycare and at first we were feeling all kinds of guilty about not having him with us. But then we reminded ourselves there will be days where Baby D-Nut is at daycare/school and we will be spending special time with C. Being together with all four of us is great but carving out special time for one-on-one days with each kid is going to be something we'll try to do from time to time. Do you do the same with your kids?

Baby Donut's actual birthday started off with her Wellness visit at the Pediatricians. She is healthy as can be and is in the 35% for height, 50% for weight, and 60% for head circumference. The only bummer was she had to get shots on her bday. #sadface  

We also kept up with tradition and took her to the Downtown Aquarium just like we did with C when he turned one. She loved looking at all of the fish and all the kids were back in school after the holiday break so it wasn't too crowded at all. We took our time and even did two full laps around the place to let her explore to her heart's content. 


Watching the stingrays swim overhead 

It really was an awesome day! The birthday girl did start to seem a little off from the shots she received. She ran a low-grade fever on her way to bed but in the middle of the night she threw up in her crib and her temp was near 102. We still aren't sure if it was the shots or if she happened to get a 24 hour bug, but I stayed home on Tuesday with her and I didn't mind one bit! My PTO on the other hand... ouch.

That brings us to the big party!!! We did a breakfast and pajama theme and it was a huge hit. The party was at 10am and everyone who was there seemed to love being in their comfy clothes and getting a good meal to start the weekend off. No one seemed bothered by an early start time on a Saturday and in fact it seemed perfect because everyone could still have a full weekend. Plus, the kids were bright-eyed and bushy tailed and in very pleasant moods. Good all around!

Our menu: Breakfast burritos from a local favorite (hot, mild, and some with just eggs and cheese), cereal, mini quiches (store bought), sausage bites (made the night before, super simple recipe), fruit, and baby donuts (because, obviously). We had cupcakes for our guests and a smash cake for the bday girl. When it comes to mass quantities I leave baking to the professionals. 

There you have it! What a wonderful year it's been and what a wonderful little girl we have. 

Baby Donut, we love you! 


  1. I can't believe she is ONE!! She is so cute!!

    1. Same with Charlie!!! Where the hell did this year go?!?! ;)

  2. Cupcakes look awesome! I love the picture of you two looking up at the camera. Happy Birthday D-Nut!
