Friday, May 8, 2015

An Essay for Mom

My mom. A true original yet she embodies all of the lovely adjectives commonly used to describe mothers. Beautiful, strong, selfless, kind, funny. She taught countless life lessons and instilled the importance of common sense into my brother and I. She was a working mom doing her best to make ends meet, balancing the checkbook down to a frightful number but still managing to have food in our bellies and allowing us to want for nothing.

She was goofy and silly regardless of exaggerated eye rolls from her too cool for school spawn. She endured many a difficult conversation as we asked all of life's burning questions and she was always up for a chat. She was at every game, recital, concert or competition.

She weathered the storm of a self-involved, know-it-all teenager followed by a distant 20 something coming home from college to see her boyfriend instead of her family. Then she welcomed the aforementioned boyfriend into the family as he asked for her daughter's hand in marriage.

She sat in a waiting room in the middle of the night eagerly awaiting the birth of her first grandchild. From that moment on she became a beautiful, strong, selfless, kind and funny grandmother.

Oh, and side note! Speaking of grandmother... The woman hasn't aged a bit! No seriously, I'm not sure she know this, but I look at her and think to myself  "what is her secret?" How does her skin look so great? Where are her wrinkles? Can it be that simply being her daughter will grant me the same fortune??? (then I look in the mirror and answer my own question there... nope). ::le sigh::

My mom is the most generous person I know never asking for anything in return. Her far reaching kindness pours over to not only her family, but everyone who's lucky to know her.

It's amazing how our relationship has changed over the years. As the first-born I've done my best to be independent and do things my own way. I didn't always welcome advise because I took it as criticism even if my mother's heart was in the right place. I've been close with my mom but from a safe distance, still remaining pretty guarded when it comes to the things I share with her.

It could have been by my design that we've kept our distance or perhaps she has kept it that way herself, but whatever we constructed in our past, I feel strongly that we're changing and molding a different relationship today. In a weird way I feel like I'm starting to really get to know my mom. Of course, I've always known she's all of the things I've mentioned here and recently we're talking and sharing more than we ever have. I'm seeing not only the lovable and stoic sides of her but the fragile and vulnerable ones as well.

A couple of weeks ago we found ourselves in her kitchen on a solemn, rainy day, opening up to one another. I not only grew a deeper appreciation for the woman standing in front of me, but I also grew a deeper understanding of her. It's an absolute fact that the two of us have had some epic mother/daughter battles but regardless of how angry or mad we'd leave there was no doubt that the love we had for one another was there.

As I think back on my childhood all the way through to today, the one thing that has been consistent and unwavering is my mother's love. There is truly nothing better in this world than to feel loved. Amiright?!?

I'm grateful for my mother and the relationship we're forming. We're oil and water yet two peas in a pod all at the same time. But that's our mother/daughter story and I look forward to seeing where it takes us next.

This Mother's Day I want nothing more than for her to know she's appreciated, celebrated and above all... loved.

Mom (Mopsi Rosie),

Simply saying thank you is never enough but it is what I offer here. You are an amazing mother and grandmother and the nucleus our family needs. Enjoy this day set aside for mothers and know that you're doing a great job. 

I love you. Always have, always will.

Your girl,

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