Thursday, February 13, 2014

Last minute Valentines for Babies or One Year Olds in Daycare

Are you a working mom? Do you have zero time to hand-make intricate valentines or bake goodies for your child's Valentines Day party at daycare?

Do you scratch your head and wonder why you have to send Valentines with your one year old anyway when they can't even say their name, let alone spell it, on a silly piece of card board with either a princess or a super hero on it?


So I was at Target recently looking for Valentine's for Little C to give to his classmates and I came across these adorable little rubber duckies with hearts on them...

And it hit me!

They would be PERFECT for Baby D-Nut's class! They came three to a bag and they were $3. Not too shabby!

Here's what I did...

Grabbed white construction paper from the kids art table, and punched a 2" circle with my circle punching thingy to make a tag. Any shape for the tag would work but I just love using that tool!

I stuck a "candy heart" sticker on the tag and punched a hole in the top with a hole-punch. The heart stickers also came from Tar-jay. Dollar bins fo life, yo!!!

Now here's where the OCD in me started to come out and I was getting twitchy! I thought I had some Valentine's Day ribbon on hand and after tearing the damn house apart searching for it and proclaiming that the whole thing was a disaster and I should just throw in the towel and how now my project was going to look STOOOPID because all I could find was BLUE ribbon... Hubs told me to CTFD and pull myself together!

"What about twine." Three simple words solved all my life problems and I was back in biz-nass!!! What would I do without that guy? It would be ugly, people.

Anywho... I used the twine to tie the tags around the duckies. BOOM!

Note: It makes more sense to write your child's name on the tags before putting them on the ducks. I bet you could have figured that out for yourself, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

Voila! It's not candy, it's not baked goods, but it is age-appropriate and very sweet. It also could not have been easier! 

You could even say it was easy peasy rubber ducky squeezy!!

::snort:: I kill myself! 

Happy Valentine's Day!